Why You Should Consider Fasting & 4 Tips to Prepare for Your First Fast
By Ram Jain People have been practicing fasting for many years for religious, spiritual or health reasons. Yogic philosophy also approves of fasting as a way to cleanse the body and to control both mind and body. When you practice fasting you learn to control the senses and not to react on the tendency to eat food out of habit or routine. Fasting allows the intestines to take a rest. They always work and because we keep eating, they never get to rest. While fasting, the intestines get the chance to digest all the food, to clean itself and to rest. Fasting has always been a consistent part my lifestyle and has proven to be very beneficial, both physically and mentally. Fasting can be done in many different ways. There are differences in length of fasting: 1-day fast every week 3-day fast every month one week fast a few times a year 10-day fast once a year or even several week fast A 1-day fast is the best way for beginners to experience fasting f...