The Map is Not the Territory
At the beginning of last year, I felt trapped in my own skin. As I described it to a close friend, I said I literally felt like a caterpillar in a cocoon. I could viscerally feel that I was ready for growth and change, but I had no idea what was needed . Was it my work? My physical location? My relationships? My routines? Nothing immediately jumped out at me as an answer. And honestly, it kind of sucked. I told my closest people that nothing felt quite right — but nothing was quite wrong, either. I realized recently that I’ve been on this body acceptance exploration for over ten years now. And I really think exploration is the best way to describe it: path or journey feel too much like something with an end point. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about body acceptance, it’s that there’s no end point . There’s always more to explore. When I first started my own tentative, usually resistant explorations with coming to a more peaceful relationship with my bo...