
Showing posts from February, 2018

3 approaches to awaken and strengthen the core

Jennilee teaches us more about the core and how to awaken, enliven and strengthen it using three different approaches.  Via Mix ID 8246247

Why Me-Time and Meditation Isn’t A Selfish Act

When it comes to yoga, meditation and even me-time in general, we can sometimes worry we are being a little selfish. Dedicating time to our own wellbeing can feel overly indulgent, and there’s even a creeping suggestion self-care is little more than an excuse for self-absorption. Dr Alison Gray, of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, has warned that “inward-looking” spiritual practices (like meditation) can make us more selfish – but is this actually true? Like most things, this would depend on how you look at it. You could say that any action that isn’t taken for the betterment of humankind is selfish – from eating what we like for dinner to pursuing our hobbies – because we do them primarily for our own benefit. But unless we’re planning on becoming monks and completely giving up any notion of doing things for ourselves, there doesn’t seem much to gain from worrying about this. In this context, meditating and other forms of self-care are no more selfish than having a bath, and the ...

What I’ve Learned from 10+ Years of Body Acceptance

Someone recently asked me how long I’ve been on my body acceptance journey, and I realized it’s been more than a decade . It’s hard to pinpoint the beginning exactly because there was quite a while when I kept thinking there had to be another way than my years of chronic dieting. But to make it easier to remember, I count the beginning as when I first started seeing a nutrition therapist who specializes in intuitive eating. At the beginning of this journey, I thought it would be entirely about healing my relationship with food. And while that has happened in many ways, so much more has unfolded from there that I rarely even think of food as one of the top things that has changed in my life since I have become more body accepting. I say “more” body accepting because I never like to give the idea that I’m 100% body accepting 24/7/365. I actually don’t believe that’s even a thing. Or, well, I don’t think it’s a thing in the way we imagine it will be . I definitely used to think that bei...

3 ways to cultivate inner peace - Pratyahara

In the first of a three-part series, Tracey looks at Pratyahara or stillness - the first of 3 yogic paths and practices to cultivate inner peace and happiness.   Via Mix ID 8246247

Yoga sequence for shoulder health

A simple shoulder sequence to release tension and ensure the longevity of your functional movement. Includes free class and downloadable pdf.  Via Mix ID 8246247

Welcome Our February 2018 Curvy Yoga Teachers!

We have a wonderful new Curvy Yoga teacher this month! I am excited to share them with you! To see a full list of our Curvy Yoga Certified teachers,  please click here . Elizabeth Stuewe Location: Lawrence, Kansas Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching.  I found yoga as a teenager after being diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, I was desperate to build any positive connection with my body after it dramatically failed me at a young age. Practicing yoga, and especially learning to teach yoga, has taught me how to approach my body with curiosity and care instead of fear and anger. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  Yoga has greatly improved my quality of life and I love sharing that possibility with others, especially people living with chronic illness. What can folks expect when they take a class from you?  Folks can expect a customized, relaxing experience- all bodies are good bodies and that me...

Get Ready for the Winter Olympics…Yoga Style!

The Winter Olympics is here! Over the next few weeks, millions of people will tune in from all over the world to watch elite athletes try their best and go for the gold. Have some family fun with these Winter Olympics inspired yoga poses. First, warm up your body from the inside with an Olympic breathing exercise. Athletes need to have a strong breath to compete at this level. Since it is the Winter Olympics, you need to breathe in deeply and raise your arms above your head in the shape of an O. Then, lower your arms and  exhale strongly as if you are trying to see your breath in this winter weather. Repeat several times. Now that your bodies are good and warm, it is time for snowboarding . Move into Warrior 2 Pose with your feet wide apart. Bend your front knee and extend your arms so they are parallel to the ground. For an extra challenge try to complete a 180 degree turn.  Jump midair in this position as you switch lead legs. Try to have some “hang time!” Next, it is ti...

Welcome Our February 2018 Curvy Yoga Teachers!

We have a wonderful new Curvy Yoga teacher this month! I am excited to share them with you! To see a full list of our Curvy Yoga Certified teachers,  please click here . Elizabeth Stuewe Location: Lawrence, Kansas Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching.  I found yoga as a teenager after being diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, I was desperate to build any positive connection with my body after it dramatically failed me at a young age. Practicing yoga, and especially learning to teach yoga, has taught me how to approach my body with curiosity and care instead of fear and anger. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  Yoga has greatly improved my quality of life and I love sharing that possibility with others, especially people living with chronic illness. What can folks expect when they take a class from you?  Folks can expect a customized, relaxing experience- all bodies are good bodies and that me...

The benefits of a beginner's mind

Adopting a ‘beginner’s mindset’ can open the doors to a world of possibility. Find out why... Via Mix ID 8246247

The Map is Not the Territory

At the beginning of last year, I felt trapped in my own skin. As I described it to a close friend, I said I literally felt like a caterpillar in a cocoon. I could viscerally feel that I was ready for growth and change, but I had no idea what was needed . Was it my work? My physical location? My relationships? My routines? Nothing immediately jumped out at me as an answer.   And honestly, it kind of sucked. I told my closest people that nothing felt quite right — but nothing was quite wrong, either.   I realized recently that I’ve been on this body acceptance exploration for over ten years now. And I really think exploration is the best way to describe it: path or journey feel too much like something with an end point. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about body acceptance, it’s that there’s no end point . There’s always more to explore.   When I first started my own tentative, usually resistant explorations with coming to a more peaceful relationship with my bo...