
Showing posts from March, 2018

What I've learned from my month's silent meditation far

Esther Ekhart shares some of her experiences and insights from spending a month on a silent meditation retreat. Via Mix ID 8246247

Cauliflower tortillas with avocado dressing

Try this easy grain-free alternative to tortillas or wraps, with vitamin C packed cauliflower and creamy avocado and yoghurt dressing. Via Mix ID 8246247

The Unexpected Ways Body Acceptance Simplified My Life

Of all the things I expected from body acceptance (and that list was very long, trust me), what never even crossed my mind is that it would greatly simplify my life. But it has. I don’t think we talk often enough about the tangible, unexpected ways body acceptance affects our lives . I think we all hear about embracing wearing fun clothes, or your self-talk shifting, or no longer wanting to participate in all those body-bashing conversations. I’ve shared about many of those things myself. But today I want to share from a different angle. When you read the ways body acceptance has simplified my life, it might not be abundantly clear why body acceptance has anything to do with it whatsoever. But the reason all these things are connected, and connected to body acceptance, is that body acceptance helped me know my body better. And my truth is located in my body ; I connect with it through gut feelings, listening for my yeses and nos, noticing how I feel when I consider one decision over ...

Yoga sequence to improve digestion

Stimulate your digestive system, improve circulation and diminish constipation, bloating and indigestion with this yoga sequence from José. Via Mix ID 8246247

Listen to your body

We hear the phrase 'Listen to your body' a lot in class - but what do we really mean by it?  Via Mix ID 8246247

3 ways to cultivate inner peace - Dharana

Tracey discusses the power of listening and concentration as a path to inner peace.  Via Mix ID 8246247

5 minutes of self-reflection

Kat explains how taking five minutes a day to practise self-reflection can help us move forward rather than cling to the past. Via Mix ID 8246247

8 Things That Happened After I Meditated For 100 Days

I am not a yogi, a life coach, or a yoga teacher. In fact, I am probably the furthest thing from what you would call a yogi. I was raised, in part, by a physically and emotionally abusive step father. I struggled as a teenager and young adult. I failed my junior year of high school not once, but twice. I spent time in drug rehabilitation, and have been arrested more than my fair share of times. But eventually, I turned my life around and became a lawyer, entrepreneur, and an advocate of a healthy lifestyle. I also want the best possible life for everyone I encounter. I know for certain that meditation must to be part of the equation to lead an amazing life. I’ve only recently begun to experience what meditation has to offer. I’d read about the benefits of meditation for many years, but never really took it upon myself to develop a practice. I tried meditating here and there for no more than 5-10 minutes at a time, but decided to see what would happen if I committed to 20 minutes of m...

What I’ve Learned from 10+ Years of Body Acceptance

Someone recently asked me how long I’ve been on my body acceptance journey, and I realized it’s been more than a decade . It’s hard to pinpoint the beginning exactly because there was quite a while when I kept thinking there had to be another way than my years of chronic dieting. But to make it easier to remember, I count the beginning as when I first started seeing a nutrition therapist who specializes in intuitive eating. At the beginning of this journey, I thought it would be entirely about healing my relationship with food. And while that has happened in many ways, so much more has unfolded from there that I rarely even think of food as one of the top things that has changed in my life since I have become more body accepting. I say “more” body accepting because I never like to give the idea that I’m 100% body accepting 24/7/365. I actually don’t believe that’s even a thing. Or, well, I don’t think it’s a thing in the way we imagine it will be . I definitely used to think that bei...